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Print Spec Sheet


NaMil-Trac® is a vinyl wallcovering with a 100% polyester fabric backing. It is recommended for use in humid climates where mold, mildew and fungus are a problem. Unlike cotton backings, NaMil-Trac®'s synthetic backing cannot absorb moisture and cannot rot. Therefore, it does not provide a food source for fungus and prevents its growth.

NaMil-Trac® adhesive is recommended as the bonding agent with NaMil-Trac® wallcovering.
NaMil-Trac® Adhesive NaMil-Trac® Adhesive is a special adhesive developed as the bonding agent for NaMil-Trac® wallcovering. Its special properties are able to bond to the non-absorptive fibers of the NaMil-Trac® synthetic backing.
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In 1990 U.S. Vinyl Manufacturing Corporation developed its trademarked NaMil-Trac® fabricbacked vinyl wallcovering. This was in response to requests from customers who needed fabricbacked vinyl wallcoverings that would prevent the growth of mildew or other fungus growth associated with standard cotton fabric wallcovering in warm, moist climates.

Fungus and mildew are living organisms which cannot live without a food source. Standard wallcovering backings that are made from cotton, poly/cotton blends, papers, or synthetics that require bonding adhesives all provide a food source. NaMil-Trac is a special synthetic woven fabric backing designed to bond to vinyl under heat and pressure. The vinyl and NaMil-Trac backing do not provide a food source for fungus and mildew to feed on.

If you have a problem with fungus growth, then U.S. Vinyl’s NaMil-Trac wallcoverings provide an excellent defense. On the following page you will find the results and photos of the testing which was performed by an independent research laboratory.

Our NaMil-Trac fabric backing is available on any U.S. Vinyl wallcovering upon request at no additional cost. Minimum requirements and other custom criteria apply. Please contact your U.S.
Vinyl representative for additional information.

Please note that NaMil-Trac protects the wallcovering itself. It does not eliminate the need for proper preparation of underlying substrate walls which are also susceptible to fungus growth and damage. All existing fungus growth on substrate walls should be removed and the walls properly treated with mildewcide using manufacturer’s instructions.

Products manufactured with NaMil-Trac backing must be installed with our specially formulated NaMil-Trac adhesive. The use of other adhesives is not recommended. Failure to use the recommended adhesive and/or installation instructions negates all warranties expressed or implied.

Fungal Test Report

The mildew resistant quality of Namil-Trac® was verified by the Southwest Research Institute, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Division, Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in 1994. To view the results of the study, download the PDF report provided by the Southwest Research Institute.