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Print Spec Sheet

Tough as Nails ®

Tough As Nails® print protector is a specially formulated water-based protective coating for vinyl wallcovering. It will lengthen the life of your vinyl wallcovering, keep your guest rooms, guest baths and corridors looking new and fresh longer, and significantly reduce your repair and replacement costs.
Test it Yourself! U.S. Vinyl Manufacturing wants to make it easy for you to test our new product, Tough As Nails®. So, we have created a brochure that includes samples of vinyl with and without Tough As Nails® plus a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser®. Just add Tough as Nails® to your Sample Requests and we'll send the package to you.
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tanpp p1tanpp p2

Do suitcases and housekeeping carts mark your wallcovering?
Oh no!
Does your cleaning staff use harsh cleaners that remove the color from your wallcovering?

Appearance: Tough As Nails® print protector is a clear, matte coating that is invisible! It has no sheen, and therefore does not affect the color, light refraction, pattern or texture of your vinyl wallcovering.

Formulation: Tough As Nails® print protector is composed of vinyl resin suspended in a water-based formula that is applied to the surface of the vinyl and then heat cured. The resulting "sandwich" - vinyl on the top and bottom surfaces with the print color between them - creates a superior product that is more stain resistant and more cleanable than regular vinyl wallcovering. Tough As Nails® print protector will not delaminate or yellow with age.

Green Characteristics: Tough As Nails® print protector is safe and environmentally friendly because it is water-based. Additionally, it is odorless and does not produce noxious emissions like solvent-based products

Price: Tough As Nails® print protector will revolutionize hospitality wallcovering specifications with the industry's most costconscious pricing. Tough As Nails® print protector will easily fit into your budget for commercial wallcovering, and provide a surprisingly affordable way to reduce long-term maintenance costs. Contact your U.S. Vinyl representative for details.

Availability: Tough As Nails® print protector is stocked in certain patterns and colors. It is also available as a custom run on any pattern produced by U.S. Vinyl Manufacturing Corporation. Custom runs with Tough As Nails® print protector are subject to the following restrictions:

  • A non-refundable 50% deposit is required on all custom orders.
  • A maximum of 10% overage applies to all custom manufactured orders.
  • Minimum order for custom runs is 1500 LY.
  • Returns are not permitted on custom orders.

Lead-time: Lead-time for wallcoverings with Tough As Nails® print protector is 4-5 weeks from date of credit-approved order.

Strike-Offs: Although Tough As Nails® print protector is invisible, strike-offs for your custom vinyl wallcovering pattern can be made with the print protector included. Just request your custom strike-off be made with Tough As Nails® print protector.

Guarantee: Like all U.S. Vinyl's products, wallcoverings with Tough As Nails® print protector have a one-year limited warranty against defects in material and workmanship. This guarantee does not apply to abuse, use in ways other than as a wallcovering installed according to manufacturer's instructions, or normal wear and tear. U.S. Vinyl does not accept liability of any kind associated with the use of any products used to clean wallcoverings with Tough As Nails® print protector.

Cleaning Instructions: Most household cleaners, if used according to the manufacturer's instructions, can be used to clean tough stains and scuff marks from wallcoverings with Tough As Nails® print protector. However, you should always test the product in an inconspicuous area first, and use care not to overuse harsh and abrasive cleaners that could wear away the surface of the wallcovering. Request a copy of our detailed cleaning instructions for further information.

Installation Instructions: Wallcoverings with Tough As Nails® print protector are installed like other U.S. Vinyl wallcoverings. Request a copy of our detailed installation instructions for further information.

Technical Data: Wallcoverings with Tough As Nails® print protector meet all federal specifications for CCC-W408-A & B, Type I and II. Tough As Nails® print protector does not affect the Class A flame spread rating of our products. All patterns are tested per AS™-E-84 by an independent testing laboratory. Test results are available upon request.

Specification: To specify Tough As Nails® print protector, just add a slash mark plus the letters TANPP at the end of the pattern number. 
Example: Pattern number VS-5000/1A with Tough As Nails® print protector would read VS-5000/1A/TANPP.